Friday, November 14, 2008

Scoble and CNN prove me right...

I just saw this exchange from Robert Scoble and Rick Sanchez, so my previous analogy wasn't so far off the mark. :)

@PRsarahevans any PR person on Twitter is one of the good ones. :-) @Bluraven USA media only shows small part of China (and world).
03:28 PM November 12, 2008 from web in reply to PRsarahevans
@Scobleizer ur right, trying to get us all to think beyond the norm. twitter can lead the way. aint going to change overnight though.
03:34 PM November 12, 2008 from web in reply to Scobleizer
@ricksanchezcnn just Twittered me. Now THAT freaks me out! It's like CNN is listening to me. Heheh, got me to switch to CNN from BBC. :-)
03:36 PM November 12, 2008 from web in reply to ricksanchezcnn

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